AUTHOR of my everything, my story A to Z
BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR above, my blinded eyes can see
COMFORTER of weary souls, COMPANION of the lost
DELIVERER, DEFENDER despite the cruel cost
EXALTED ONE who stooped to save, found in a humble place
FAITHFUL ONE of Glory who came to me in grace
GUARDIAN of my destiny, GOD in flesh and bone
HEALER of my solitude, I never walk alone.
INTERCESSOR standing tall, speaking for me, still.
JEHOVAH God creator, with hands of grace and skill
KING of all the universe, immortal God of love
LORD in every circumstance, watching from above
MAN OF SORROWS, MIGHTY ONE who came to seek and save
NAZARENE of providence whose life He freely gave
ONE AND ONLY Sacrifice, The lamb upon a cross
PIERCED for my transgression, my gain found in His loss
QUIET ONE, a still small voice, whispering His plan
RABBI in my ignorance, Redeemer,
TREE OF LIFE, evergreen, The fruit of holiness
VICTOR of my battles. He fought to set me free.
WARRIOR like none other, battling for me.
X-RAY of the human heart, a restorer from the fall
YESHUA, redeemer
ZENITH of it all…
Don’t you need Him? Reach out to Him this day and you’ll see that He’ll give you everything your wounded soul craves.
Because He’s everything…