DarknessConfusionRejectionUncertaintyImprovisationAccommodationDustStrawLaborDangerAdaptationPainGaspsBreathsSweatContractionsInterruptionAnimals FearWonderWhispersConsolingMotivationSoonWeepingHelplessness PushingGraspingEncouragingTearsStrainingFluidBloodTiny headChestReliefJoy InfantCryingFatherRejoicingMotherSmilingCHILDRagsNurtureConnection KingAnswerPeaceLambSaviorHope JoyExchangeLoveSacrificeGraceYesJesusBeginning ___________________________
Tag: Advent
Song Introduction to “Away in a Manger”
Here is an easy, informal reading to be performed before “Away in the Manger” Reader 1: away Reader 2: but so near to the outcast Reader 1: near to the blood of the innocents Reader 2: near to life, a dangerous mystery Reader 1: no crib for a bed Reader 2: 1st century squalor of…