DarknessConfusionRejectionUncertaintyImprovisationAccommodationDustStrawLaborDangerAdaptationPainGaspsBreathsSweatContractionsInterruptionAnimals FearWonderWhispersConsolingMotivationSoonWeepingHelplessness PushingGraspingEncouragingTearsStrainingFluidBloodTiny headChestReliefJoy InfantCryingFatherRejoicingMotherSmilingCHILDRagsNurtureConnection KingAnswerPeaceLambSaviorHope JoyExchangeLoveSacrificeGraceYesJesusBeginning ___________________________
Month: December 2018
The Great Samaritan
Can you hear the Great Samaritan? He’s just outside your door He’s carrying the wounded We so oftentimes ignore His holy arms are holding The lonely and the lost So great his holy ransom How precious was the cost. You are his solution Chosen for this day. Please don’t cause him sorrow. Please don’t turn…
The Return Counter
It’s not often that you find yourself walking through the mall with an archangel. But that’s kind of the way dreams are: a normal day and you then- throw in something odd- like going to school in only your underwear or discovering that your teeth are falling out one by one during the sermon at…
Who Touched Me?
“You see the people crowding against you,” His disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’” i wonder if the angels ask Him that on Sundays. Jesus looks through this mass of believers millions speaking singing and seeking a whirlwind of worship as the world spins from sun’s rise to fall. “Who touched…
The Art of Pondering
“But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19b Advent is to ponder. If you don’t take time to turn everything off and ponder sometime this week, you are left with all that is temporal, ordinary and fleeting about Christmas. Stop and ponder. Luke tells us in his gospel that…
Don’t You Worry, Mary
Don’t you worry, Mary. Just lean into My plan.I will not leave you helpless On the way to Bethlehem.No money in your purse…No place for you to stay…But don’t you worry, Mary.I’m enough for you today.Don’t defend your reputation.There’s greatness just ahead.Your name will be rememberedLong after they are dead.So just cry if you need to.Feel free…