So far, for me, it’s been the character I can’t escape. Perhaps because there are shadows of the great divine in this part of the story.
Tag: Reading
The Cradle and the Cross
Worship leaders start early with some creative tools to enhance your Christmas worship. Here is a simple reading that contrasts the Christ’s Birth and Crucifixion. Works great as an introduction to a song. Reader #1: Mankind had wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, Reader #2: And now they stripped him. Reader #3: Wise men had sought Him, to worship…
He’s Going to Need You
He needs to eat, to be loved, and held closely. He needs to be protected. The little guy can really do nothing for himself. He’s a high maintenance gift from God. Such a miracle! Such an overwhelming revelation of God’s power and artistry! But as you bathe him, provide for him, He’s going to need…