This Fire of Love unquenched by Eden’s wreck and flowing seemingly in perpetuity toward all that soon will be in all its violent beauty He shall hold all hell’s poison and heaven’s glory. Small beginning, love’s grandest story from the heartbeat in a virgin’s womb til one Sunday rising from the tomb One for all……
Author: Matt Tullos
40 Things to Pray when Your child is Heading Back to School
Father God, would you…. Strengthen my kids’ resolve to follow You. Protect them from worldviews that will challenge their faith. Allow my children to be influenced by godly men and women within our school. Protect my student from bullies and others that would shame and destroy self-confidence and joy. Make my child bold and…
My grandfather lived in a rustic house near a sloping cool branch with slipery stones and verdant woods I walked slowly toward the treeline where mystery lay and there in the shade of autumn’s bough i see darkness rising close of day. but death, a far closer angel visited then and will and again because…
The Belly of the Beast
Everybody ends up in the belly of the beast. There are few exceptions from the greatest to the least. You stumble into quicksand. You’re weary of the world. Lies wreck your reputation. Insults, viciously, are hurled. Addiction lies in dormancy then rears it’s ugly head. Depression sinks in slowly, Like the whispers of the dead….
You Can Have It All
Sorrow: Day 13 of 39 Days
Man of sorrows what a name for the Son of God, who came. Phillip Bliss I may not know you, but I know something about you. You’ve learned so much more about life through failure, suffering and pain than you have through pleasure and success. Your sorrow is intimacy and the people all around you, with…
Pearl of Great Price
“He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.” – George Herbert How important is it to forgive? Eternally important. The past is consuming to the person who doesn’t forgive. We become stuck. We fantasize vindication. We look at relationships surrounding the offense in a possessive manner. We cling to bitterness…
He is fathering me
He is fathering me even in the days I cannot see Through every trial I face. He is there even in my disgrace. Every lonely, broken place. I am held together bone by bone and I do not walk alone. How my neediness has grown. In my aging days I have come to see how…