There is a mysterious peace when you have been left with only Jesus. when there is desolation and pain— when the burden is greater than you thought you could bear— when the darkness gathers around you— even after goodbyes are said— He is the faithful friend who is ever beside you when all others forsake…
Author: Matt Tullos
What Happened Here?
if you asked what happened here my reply brief and sure would be: i tasted loneliness and found it pleasing. i dreamed of God and washed the floors. i listened to nothing and everything that surrounded it. i swam at midnight and watched the moon gazing over the louisiana clouds. i wailed and no one…
My Journey
I don’t know your journey. But as for me, I needed radical salvation. I needed a Warrior that could battle through the jungles of flesh. I needed a Savior who would run through the firestorms of catastrophic thoughts. One who would withstand the galloping wildebeests of my vain ambition. One who would swim the channels…
To Be Known
There is so much more to YouThe ways of mystery and hiddennessThe pain of testing like the threshing of the wheat.The crowning of each day with the setting sunThe movement of the windThe waves of seaAnd yet the greatest joy of my lifeWorthless as I so often amis this:You know me Every part of me…
The Love of God
His love is perfect. It never fails me. His love knows no limit, no barrier, no faltering weakness His love is for me. Wrapped in grace and tied together in time. Hidden, a treasure worth more than any riches on earth. Promised before my birth. It consumes me His love is every bit of what I…
It’s Monday
It’s Monday evening. The chaos and collision of grace and law appeared in the violent light of day. Those who sought to turn worship into a business met the displeasure of the only One worthy of worship. The crash of coins and cages… Today the Son of Man personified the voice of the ancient prophetic song:…
It’s Sunday Evening
It’s Sunday evening. The road is scattered with green branches quickly turning brown, trampled by a festival of triumph. The darkness settles in as shadows fall on the city sky. It seems as if the shouts still echo through its gates. His feet drenched in alabaster and tears. He begins his walk toward the torment…
Off to Vidalia this Morning
Preaching at a Bougere Baptist Church this morning. Should be an adventure. Probably very small. Thankful for the opportunity to share on Palm Sunday. This will perhaps be my first Easter next week that I won’t be preaching. Darlene will return after an interview tomorrow. Caleb is drumming at Alpine today. I’m going to try…
Having my own personal revival
Listening to teaching and worship as I clean and rest. God has brought me to tears about much in my life and there is a renewed hunger for more. I have realized in so many ways that I have placed so much energy on being recognized. (wow… this is embarrassing to confess) that I have…
The God of Surprises
Our God is a God of surprises. From big bangs to soft whispers, He is the Lord of last minute rescues and slow subtle changes. His perspective is not our perspective. He sees it all. While my vision is often narrow, He sees the big picture. While I see moments, he sees millenniums. While I…