In the Facebook world, tags are huge. People can find you, click and tag you as being you! “Hey there’s Philip. I know him but nobody’s tagged him! Oh the dismay of a person who’s not tagged in a picture! And so we grab the mouse we click and we tag him in the photo. …
Author: Matt Tullos
Far Beyond Imagination
He’s far beyond imagination the heights and depths of all creation. By His word the villains fall He’s far above creation’s all His reign is perfect His words are true. This Lord of all I’m going through The Holy keeper of the key the mystery grand: Great One in Three The plans He made will…
Mary’s Little Boy
And Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart– This phrase has arrested me for years, because pondering to me in a sense is a form of worship. To ponder, in a sense is to daydream about God. A time when the world stands still in quiet moments. There is very little…
Spirit of the Pharisee
The cross is not an edict against the sinner. It is a romantic proclamation to the sinner. Why do so many in the church take up the mantle of the Pharisee and find it pleasing? How can a conflicted, angry, bitter, excluding bride honor the Groom? Somehow the church must forsake the stones of condemnation…
Can you believe it? I’m free! After months of chains, the stench of the prison, the hopelessness of my existence—I’m free! I waited for the guards to call my name and to lead me to the Place of the Skull. They arrested me, chained me, and sentenced me to die. I heard the crowds scream…
Christ in you, the Hope of Glory
“to whom God would make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the nations, which is Christ in you the hope of glory! Collossians 1:27 As I run to him I am running toward a hope that is far greater than the fanciful, temporal acclamations of this world’s squalor. When…
Elbow Room and Alarm Clocks
In bed the alarm rings, I feel as if my body is 180 lbs. of cement. God whispers, What did you expect? You haven’t taken a day off in 12 days. Ouch! That morning I asked: Do I have to run quickly to and fro? Do I have to get up today and go?…
Yesterday I went to the Dr.
Found out a have a blocked saliva gland and swollen Lymph Node. Wonderful…. Other than that. Looks like I have a place to preach Sunday morning. Caleb will be playing the drums at Alpine. Still haven’t heard from Darlene since Tuesday about how her week is going in Nashville. She has been around friends so…
I Saw You
(A Prayer of Benediction for the Lord’s Supper or Easter Celebration) Lord, I want to ask for Your forgiveness. Tonight my eyes were opened as we sang the words to those hymns that I’ve sung thousands of times. For the first time in my life I was struck by the vastness of Your grace and love…
He is fathering me even in the days I cannot see Through every trial I face. He is there even in my disgrace. Every lonely, broken place. I am held together bone by bone and I do not walk alone. How my neediness has grown. In my aging days I have come to see how…