This warfare for the Hero’s bliss What thing is valued more that this? it supercedes the stoic state the frowning face of folly’s fate The quest for truth, “The Shining Next” the simplied in life complex For all I see in beauty’s good I dream of life lived as it should. For I am not…
Author: Matt Tullos
The Net
Narrator: The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down in the lake and caught all kinds of fish. Narrator: When it was full, the fisherman pulled it up on the shore. (Actors pantomime pulling a net out of the water with much vocal effort.) Narrator: Then they sat down and collected the good fish in…
4.8.14 details
Worked the Reset Conference this morning, then ideation for Stewardship and CP, the lunch with John, Roger, Justin, and Michael. Caleb to the Orthodontist. Loaded up Justin to go to Baton Rouge.
He is I AM
He is I AM I AM your strength I AM your warrior I AM your advocate I AM your provider I AM your comfort I AM your bread I AM your escape I AM your companion I AM your compass I AM your ransom I AM your future I AM your purpose I AM your…
I am weary today
My body is completely tired after the weekend. I made it through work but the weekend of travel has made me very sleepy. Westside Emmanuel Baptist Church is a wonderful church with a great young staff. I had an opportunity to meet their pastor, Marcus who was taking a month off preaching. I met a…
Emails from Andrew
Part 1 This script is a series that can be used over three Sundays. On the last Sunday (Easter Sunday), use the final email voice-over. The actor simply sits at the computer and types. On the Easter Sunday Email, the actor playing Andrew is typing as the lights come up. Contemporary or biblical costuming—take your…
Woke Up Early
In the hotel room in Hammond waiting for my day to begin. Lord, I pray for you to use what little I have this morning. Multiply it as fish and loaves. We will drive to the church in a while and then after church rest at someones home. Being an introvert, that is always the…
I got Caleb to wear jeans! We are about to leave. I was a little worried about driving my car here but everything has been fine so far. Pleased to revel in God’s providence. I’m a little concerned about how Caleb will respond to boredom today,
The Price
This reading could be used during the Easter season or for a Lord’s Supper service. The voice-over part could be a recorded voice, an offstage voice, or readers onstage. Scripture Reader 1: “Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.” Scripture Reader 2: “The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head….
16 Things I Believe About Prayer and Meditation
We wait on Him, but O how often He must wait on us! Train your mind to believe supernaturally and life will burst forth in faith that is both mysterious and definitive God is big enough to handle your gigantic doubts Dash your envy against the rock and there you will find peace in Your…