A few years ago, a friend of mine was diagnosed with throat cancer. It was a devastating diagnosis that ultimately brought him to his knees in utter fear and doubt. Lots of emails went back and forth between the two of us. He had very limited ability during those days to talk but the email…
The Brown Branch
my grandfather lived in a simple house near a winding cool branch with slipery stones and verdant woods I approach the treeline where mystery lay and there in the shade of autumn’s bough i see darkness rising. close of day. (but death, a far closer one) visited then and will on all men it is…
Modern Lamentations I
The image that swirls freely in perilous realms between sleeping and awake my banner of fullness in grief embodies every impulse. Fissures on the surface unveil the aspects of consequence And echoes of confusion and understanding. That feeling of helplessness when tragedy is unstoppable Regret stands in the foreground How could things have been different?…
7 Questions Every Father Must Ask
I have a confession to make. As a father, leader and husband I’ve often failed. Often is not a hyperbole either. I mean, I have often failed. If Paul had a thorn in the flesh, I’ve got a briar patch. But as a Christ-follower and a man, I can do two things with my failures….
The Parable of the Three Tenors
What does it take to hear God’s voice? Does it take money and importance? Actually, the pursuit of hearing God’s voice will ultimately lead to spending less and being less. How’s that? The pursuit of God is more about subtraction than addition. The Kingdom of Heaven can be likened to a concert. Let’s say you…
Communion: Avoiding the Awkward and Encountering the Amazing
Growing up in the church, the Lord’s Supper often seemed mechanical, cold and unfamiliar to me. Why? Because it was done in a mechanical, cold, and unfamiliar way. The subtext of many of these celebrations seemed to be, “We only do this once every three months and so we barely know how this will…
The Truth About Significance
Our significance is not based: on how we look, what we do, what we achieve, how much experience we have, when we graduate, how much we make, how we play, who our friends are the things we accomplish the good deeds we do where we were born the notes we can sing or play the…
Simple is Better
The sad tale of Bernie Madoff reminds us of the hubris, greed, and tyranny that lurks in every heart of flesh. The inventor of the world’s greatest Ponzi scheme began his descent into madness out of the deep cavernous craving for more. How about us? Certainly we’re not Bernie, but a little Bernie resides in…
I Can Use THAT Guy
I am so thankful that God didn’t candy coat the chaotic journey of men in the Bible. We’re easily intimidated by guys who seem to glide through life with little mess, a perfect backyard, six-pack abs and a white-hot marriage. Instead, God gives us a book that reminds us on every page that He uses…
7 Reasons Why We Don’t Need Gun Reform
(…and why none of them make any sense to me.) (Note these are my opinions only and not necessarily the opinions of my workplace or church.) After every mass shooting we are rebuked that now is not the time to talk about gun legislation. Is there a better time? As believers, many feel a strange…