Maybe it was the the election of 2016, or the shootings of police officers and unarmed black men, or maybe it’s the peril of social media where people make blanket statements about race, or party or policy. No one can doubt that we are more divided and in need of a revolution. Not a national…
You’re Going to Break It or Worship It
I’ve seen and have been a part of so many different types of churches– relevant churches, traditional churches, hip churches, formal churches, house churches, city churches and country churches. But I am so thankful that I’ve had the opportunity as a visitor and as a member to experience a few churches that welcomed, fostered, and…
I Don’t Know, And That’s Life
Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders You have done. The things You planned for us no one can recount to You. Psalm 40:5 God has plans. (and He won’t tell.) His nature is so unpredictable. We never know what is just ahead. But God has plans. (And He won’t tell.) His hand is not…
16 Reasons to Tithe
So your pastor preaches on giving? Thank him! He’s giving you some important news about one of life’s greatest secrets. A pastor who invites members to tithe invites them into a life-changing, soul-transforming experience that affects every area of their lives. In truth, it’s unfair to you if he’s not teaching you about this principle that’s changed history in…
8 Movements of Prayer
Our culture knows the Lord’s Prayer from movies, locker rooms, hospitals, masses, worship services, funerals, and turbulent flights. It’s a cultural default prayer that we use when we want to pray but we don’t have the words to pray conversationally. We often forget that the Lord’s Prayer reveals a powerful outline and a radical message…
Worship is Change
Worship changes us. However it begins with letting go. We worship best when we empty ourselves. That’s the mystery of worship. We must find ways to completely abandon our self-importance. It’s a paradigm that is opposite of “show business.” Amazingly we seem to get the two paradigms confused. Worship is mystery. Not agendas, not strategy,…
The Birth and Crucifixion of Christ
A scripture reading that works well for Christmas or Easter. Scriptures: Luke 2:6-14; 23:43; Mark 15:12-32; John 19:30 Reader 1: So it was that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. Reader 2: And Pilate answered them, What shall I do with this man you call King of the Jews? And…
14 Prayer Modes
Download the Powerpoint! 14 Ways to Pray St. Paul urges us to: Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Here are 14 prayer modes that allow us to pray always in all circumstances, all postures, and in every emotion of life. 1. Together…
The Ministers Could Not Minister
1 Kings 8 records an historic worship experience. The Ark of the Covenant found its home. Smoke filled the temple. In fact we read this in verses ten and eleven: When the priests withdrew from the Holy Place, the cloud filled the temple of the LORD. And the priests could not perform their service because…
I Am Clay
My life is on the wheel Earthbound clay Molded Wondering Why are His hands changing me? Poking, prodding, pounding (it feels like punishment sometimes) Moisture pouring out of me. His hands working, With purpose What is He creating in me? What does He see? Is there a purpose in the pain? Stretching, sensing, swirling, struggling I’m…