Let’s take a familiar journey to the foot of an ugly hill of slaughter outside the walls of Jerusalem. Your imagination has been there before, I’m sure. It was the auction block of the cosmos. Jesus Christ put everything on the table for us, willing to bear the brunt of a fallen world to rescue…
Communion Meditation
The bread of brokenness The wine of grace The fellowship of His sufferings Our hearts long for communion with the One whose glory overshadows every joy, ever fear, every act of contrition and amazement. The broken bread The red blood washing away cleansing, rectifying, forgiving, renewing, like rivers of hope Flooding the arid field of…
Can We Go Back to the Way Worship Used to Be? Facedown?
It is interesting to note that there are very few major heroes in the Bible who have not been seen face down before God. Moses and Aaron hit the dust! Then Moses and Aaron came in from the presence of the assembly to the doorway of the tent of meeting and fell on their…
The Interrupter
Here’s a simple poem that works great as an ending to a sermon on the Healing of the Paralytic in Mark 2:1-12 Dust and shingles fall on the floor Hypocrisy has blocked the door A suffocating crowd around And all of this distracting sound These four guys had no building code To renovate this small abode. To…
The Gospel of Enough
I grew up under the theology of scarcity. It centered around the hear-tell rumours that I didn’t have what it took to be a “really good” Christian. There were those repetitive voices outside and inside my head that said, “try harder, do more, get better.” I gazed up at the impossible bar and counted myself out. My inadequacy…
A Shepherd’s Portrait
Actor #1: “The Lord is my shepherd,” David writes. Actor #2: But what kind of shepherd is God? Through the years we have asked this question. Actor #1: The deceiver has painted many portraits of God as shepherd. Perhaps you have one hidden away in the gallery of your psyche. Here are a few: Actor #2: Imposter #1—…
Hurricane People and Storm Shelters
While churning away on the eliptical Saturday at Planet Fitness, I saw the very beginning of Sandra Bullock movie called “The Proposal.” As the movie opens, a busy office is on high alert because their oppressive, driven boss is walking through the door. “It’s Here!” they message each other in the on their bulky 2008 computers. (See clip below)…
Ask, Seek and Knock: The Jesus Approach to Prayer
Jesus invites us to ask (and keep on asking), to seek (and keep on seeking) to knock (and keep on knocking). See Matthew 7:7 In this passage, I sense that Jesus is challenging us to pray continually in three different paradigms. 1: To Ask– This is the practice of vocalization. So often my prayers are scattered…
The Ultimate Fixer Upper Reveal
I just finished reading Joanna and Chip Gaines, The Magnolia Story. By the way, it’s a great read, even for guys like me that end up as accidental HGTV viewers. In the book, the Gaines share amazing stories of how their lives intersected and through courage, faith and perseverance God began to build things in their…
This book contains Lion hunts Giant death matches Angel wrestling Honeymoon Bride Mix-ups Blazing Chariots Talking Mules Sorcerers Sword fights Fire-walking Streakers Supernatural apparitions Shipwrecks Exorcisms Romance Nights afloat Blues songs Bear attacks Ambushes Snake pits Man-eating fish This book cannot be tamed. It’s not a comedy of manners complete with tea and crumpets. It’s…